Garden Gnomes of Skye Crafts

Garden Gnomes For Sale!

Monday, May 08, 2006

I am being taken over..........

beede beede bop bop.
Ok, I am being taken over by Frosth, the blogging garden gnome. May i introduce you to Frosth, himself.

hi there, folks. I am Frosth, the garden gnome. I prefer Sir Frosth, if you please. I am just a little garden gnome hanging out in the front yard. I watch the world go by and fight varous gnome beatles and battles. This morning, I woke with such a clattering bang bang that my mushroom shook like a wild pixie stuck in a windstorm. I peered around it only to spy two young humans tearing down a clankity clank sign post. I feared for mee self, I did. Their expressions were no different from the smirky rage of a troll trying to eat an earthworm dinner. Some lady human yelled out her window in another dwelling and the young humans ran off faster then a fairy hitching a ride on a bumblebee.


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